Tuesday, 27 April 2021


The IT solution that Pos Laju use to improve visibility and control of customers goods and information throughout supply chain. 

Track and trace system lifts veil on real-time data :

PosLaju, in cooperation with its Motorola Premier Business Partner Grand-Flo Spritvest (former Spritvest) started implementing the Motorola Premier MC3000R mobile device in 2007 and jointly created the front-end programme. After taking multiple brands and goods into account and carrying out rigorous tests, PosLaju was selected for the most robust and tried and tried-and-tested Motorola MC3000R on the market. Then PosLayu acquired 1,300 MC3000R units for PosLaju mailings. PosLaju needed a track solution which would make visible when the parcels are on the road and outside of its offices.The corporation opted to use the batch approach, where data are synced as the couriers return to the office once a day and dock the MC3000R. Various specialised data collection tools – marks and bar code – were used for capturing, moving and managing crucial information from and to the various distribution points. The bar code mark of PosLaju, which is prepressed on the consignment note, is scanned when a shipment has been shipped. Just before shipping to the receiver, the shipment is checked again. The use of bar code is characteristic that each has a specific number or identity. PosLaju managed to use corporate mobility systems, in conjunction with the application-specific applications, to provide a unique and safe way to track and trace shipments. Pos Malaysia Berhad is the winner of the MSC Asia Pacific ICT 2009 Award for best e-Logistics in its development of the integrated POS Tracking & Tracing Information System as a testimony to the efficiency of track and trace systems (PITTIS) (Motorola Electronics, 2020).


Motorola Electronics (2020). PosLaju Gains Visibility of Delivery Information with MC3000R. CASE STUDY PosLaju Malaysia. https://www.motorolasolutions.com/content/dam/msi/docs/business/solutions/_channeldetails/_documents/static_files/cs_poslaju_301210-final.pdf

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